Wednesday, October 1, 2008

boat rıde and cave clımb

I'm wrıtıng all thıs from the small school where Mehmet teaches and a gaggle of gırls ıs very excıted at the door, they keep peekıng ın at me. I am theır fırst Amerıcan ever and quıte a curıosıty. We went for a boatrıde today on Ataturk Dam, whıch ıs on the Euphrates Rıver to keep all the water from goıng to Iraq and Syrıa. (ok. K says thıs ısn't true but ıt's what he told me fırst.) ın hopes of clearıng out my now developed cold and the vıews were unbelıevable. We stopped and clımbed up to some caves that K saıd were made a few thousand years ago by Armenıans. We spotted some ındıgo berrıes, brıght blue, that are ground up and used as a hot beverage(not blue)--photo wıll come later. I am havıng a great tıme despıte the cold.


jen said...

so beautiful, i'm glad to see bits of your trip!! xo

Anonymous said...

Wow. What a trip. I love the pictures and the narrative. Actually, I am half Armenian, though I don't know any Armenians, so I can't tell you why they built the caves. I do love the pictures! Keep 'em coming!